German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW), Germany
The DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. - Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Verein, German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water) is an independent and unbiased technical-scientific association, working for the gas and water industry since 1859. The objective of DVGW is to create a basis for a safe and technologically flawless supply of gas and water. The Technical Standards issued by the DVGW form the core of this basis. Another central mission of DVGW is to advance the gas and water industry, in both, the technical and scientific context. Large parts of DVGW research operations are covered by the gas research facility DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DVGW-EBI). The current R&D roadmap of DVGW-EBI focuses on the injection of biomass and PtG based renewable gases into the natural gas grid, whereby the whole process chain of conversion, purification and upgrading of the gaseous energy carriers is considered. The research includes experimental and theoretical investigations, energy systems analysis (including the utilization pathways: heat, electricity and mobility fuels), including rentability calculations and especially evaluation of energetic optimization of PtG-concepts (e.g. EU project Store&GO) by developing new and energy efficient processes or addressing synergy effects by coupling with other processes. Besides, practical aspects of biomass utilization are addressed within several research projects with participation of industrial partners, ensuring that innovations are implemented in the industry as fast as possible.
Specific process engineering knowledge in PtG related technologies has been proven especially in the design and erection of a 50 kW pilot methanation plant (Project DemoSNG). PtG related process models and analysis tools are available. Former projects have also dealt with specific power grid integration issues, not exclusively but also on distribution grid level (Project SEE and RegEnKiBo).
Key Investigators
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kolb is a University Professor, Head of Department Thermal processes, Head of Engler-Bunte-Institut Fuel Technology and chair of fuel process engineering at Karlsruher Institut of Technology (KIT). Furthermore he is CEO of DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institut. He holds a PhD in combustion technology from the University of Karlsruhe. From 1990 to 2002 he was at BASF group leader for HT processes, plant manager for hazardous waste incinceration facility and team leader at the task force “BASF2020”. Prof. Kolb key expertise lies within Fuel Technology, High Temperature Conversion Processes, Entrained Flow Gasification and Gas-Technology. His technical and scientific contribution can be found in more than 200 publications.
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Frank Graf graduated in 2001 from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in Process Engineering and received his PhD from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in 2007. Since 2005 he is employed at DVGW-EBI. 2005 - 2010 he headed the department Gas Technology Consulting. Since 2010 he is responsible for the division Gas Technology. Besides, he is leader of the research topic “Physical-chemical fuel processing technologies” at the Engler-Bunte-Institute, KIT. His current R&D work at KIT and DVGW focusses on processes for conversion and upgrading of biomass and fossil fuels. Main topics are the production of biomethane and SNG from solid fuels like biomass via gasification and catalytic methanation or via biochemical processes like fermentation as well as PtG technologies. Furthermore, he is expert for gas transport and distribution topic like gas quality aspects, injection of renewable gases, odorisation. He is member of various national and international research and standardization committees and has a good experience in the coordination and management of joint research projects.
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Ortloff finished his studies in the field of chemical engineering in 2010. In 2011, he started with his PhD studies at the KIT, Engler-Bunte-Institute. In his PhD thesis, he developed design fundamentals for a CO2 separation process from biogas and flue gas streams, which is based on alternative scrubbing media. From the beginning of 2016, he is head of the working group “Process Engineering“ of the DVGW Research Center which covers all afore mentioned research activities of DVGW-EBI at the process design level.
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Köppel is head of working group “Systems and grids” of the DVGW Research Center and entered the Engler-Bunte-Institut 2003. Before he had 8 years industrial experience. He graduated 1995 in process engineering. His research fields are technical and economical evaluations of energy systems, coupling of gas and power grids, gas grid simulation, cost estimations and injection of gases from renewable sources into the gas grid.
Completed and on-going projects
- STORE&GO (691797) - Innovative large-scale energy STORagE Technologies & Power-to-Gas concepts after Optimisation (2016-2020)
- SP1-JTI-FCH.2012 HELMETH “Integrated High-Temperature ELectrolysis and METHanation for Effective Power to Gas Conversion” (2013-2016)
- KIC InnoEnergy: DemoSNG (2012-2015)
- Federal Government BMWi: FKZ03ET7542B, RegEnKiBo: Regionalisierung der Energieversorgung auf Verteilnetzebene am Modellstandort Kirchheimbolanden (2015 – 2018)
- Federal Government BMBF : SEE - Speicherung elektrischer Energie aus regenerativen Quellen im Erdgasnetz – H2O-Elektrolyse und Synthese von Gaskomponenten (2011 – 2014)
Key publications
- Götz, M. et al.: Renewable Power-to-Gas: A Technological and Economic Review. Renewable Energy 85 (2016), 1371 - 1390.
- Lefebvre, J., Götz, M., Bajohr, S., Reimert, R., Kolb, T.: Improvement of three-phase methanation reactor performance for steady-state and transient operation. Fuel Processing Technology 132 (2015), pp. 83- 90
- Götz, M., Graf, F., McDaniel Koch, A., Lefebvre, J., Bajohr, S., Kolb, T.: Coupling of Biomass Based Processes with PtG, Proceedings of the 26th World Gas Conference (WGC), Paris, 01. - 05.06.2015
- Götz, M., McDaniel Koch, A., Graf, F.: State of the Art and Perspectives of CO2 Methanation Process Concepts for Power-to-Gas Applications, Proceedings of the International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC), Copenhagen, 17. - 19. September 2014.
- Götz, M., Lefebvre, J., Schollenberger, D., Bajohr, S., Reimert, R., Kolb, T.: Novel methanation concepts for the production of Substitute Natural Gas, Proceedings of the International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC), Copenhagen, 17. - 19. September 2014
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